
Saturday, gotta get down on saturday

Or not..
This day has been so random, so I decided to post something random as well.

//My stuff on Tuesday when we prepared for a test in band at school, 
notice that you can see me holding up the camera..// 

//My trombone, notice that you can see my legs and my house on it...//

//Some flowers in our garden, there's been a spider on it// 

//An other flower, I like the peace those flowers give me!//

At the moment I am reading the last book in the Hunger games series. It's a really good book so far, I started on it this morning and have come to page 136. If you look for some good books to read, I recommend this trilogy a lot.

//My top sites//
1. photographybyje.blogspot.com
2. lesjourdetristes.blogg.no
3. eliniveimo.com/blog/
4. maydayparade.com
5. ayearnorth.wordpress.com 
6. ljampietro.blogspot.com
7. annhelenlunds.blogspot.com
8. idabrynildsen.blogg.no
9. marierl.blogg.no
10. flickr.com/photos/anrewevans/
11. ulrikakestere.com/animals.html
12. gunhild91.blogg.no
13. blogg.idafiskaa.com
14. spal.blogg.no
15. mariethorsen.blogg.no
16. burntheart.wordpress.com
17. bedroomwall.blogg.no
18. malinmelon.blogg.no
19. triplejunearthed.com
20. annekatjas.blogg.no
21. miaflom.com
22. alexandrasophie.over-blog.com
23. siljebekkenes.wordpress.com
24. Just my youtube account.

They are all just put in there random, and the blue stars show that the pages have been updated. I can just as well tell you why I have these pages at "top pages". Number 1 is because she studies where I want to in a few years, as well with number 2, 5, 14, 15 and 23. I know the persons behind number 7, 8, 9, 17 (one of my best friends) and 18. I like the music of number 4 and number 16, and I sometimes check out number 19 which is an Australian radio station. Number 10 takes the most awesome pictures of deers, and I love to look at his pictures. Number 20 own her own white reindeer, and number 21 recommends great books. And the rest is awesome at taking pictures, and everyone gives me inspiration. 

//Our dog having fun by rolling in chicken poop//

Thanks for your attention, now you can go back to enjoying the rest of your day!

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